Ataxophobia: fear of chaos Opening Reception

Ataxophobia: fear of chaos Opening Reception

Experience an immersive photographic exhibition that delves into the gay subconscious. Through a mesmerizing display of vibrant colors and textures, this show focuses on embracing the chaos that builds mentally in conservative spaces where queer expression is not widely accepted.


Connor Young is an interdisciplinary artist who fabricates environments for the camera while drawing inspiration from his conservative roots juxtaposed with explicit gay nightlife. Born in Des Moines, IA, and based in Chicago, Young ignited his artistic direction when he pursued a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. His film works have premiered in film festivals including the Wicked Queer Film Festival (Boston), the Iowa Motion Picture Awards (Pella, IA), and the Muscatine Independent Film Festival (Muscatine, IA) where he received the Category Award for Murder & Mayhem at the age of fifteen. Young’s visual art has been exhibited in galleries such as Filter Space (Chicago), ARC Gallery (Chicago), Bridgeport Art Center (Chicago), and solo exhibitions at the Ankeny Art Center (Ankeny, IA) and The Martin (Chicago).

7:00PM, Wednesday, April 24, 2024
1225 West Belmont Ave
Chicago, IL 60657